
Azmin Gowa

Azmin’s involvement in Manavta started with its inception. From dedicating knowledge and resources to disturbing shit on social media, Azmin has always been a close ally of the cause. Armed with an MBA in Social Sustainability, Azmin is responsible for overall strategy and social engagement, while shining light on the women affected along the way. 


Nabeel Jaffer

Nabeel started Manavta while spending extensive time living and travelling the Himalaya. He has a passion for travel and education. His motivation to build more toilets stems from working with kids in schools in rural communities. In Nepal, Nabeel can often be found riding his bike through valleys and rice paddies, stopping for local Newari cuisine and taking in breathtaking views. Nabeel is responsible for Manavta's educational initiatives and strategic growth.


Sameer Remtulla

Sameer has a drive to work in the developing world and improve the lives of those in need. As a civil engineer, he works closely with industry leaders to research efficient toilet designs and produces thorough maintenance packages; ensuring that our toilets will be used properly and maintained in the long term. Sam is responsible for the development and engineering that allows us to continue to improve on our designs.